"Zune HD is dead confirms Microsoft"
"Microsoft has officially confirmed that its Zune PMPs – including the Zune HD - have been axed, despite having denied yesterday that such a decision about the media players had been made."

"Insignia: A Glimpse of Artist Experience"
"Finding an HD Radio station that is transmitting the Artist Experience is rather difficult. Since then I have found a few more stations transmitting album art, but the number of stations encoding it appears limited, the adoption rate among broadcasters extremely slow. Further, your local HD Radio station may be airing Artist Experience images, but you may not notice them immediately. That’s because, according to iBiquity, the album art is only sent once or twice shortly before the next song starts. So, if you tune to a radio station in the middle of the song, you will not see any album art. You will get the Title/Artist/Album text display, but no image until the next song. If the receiver has any data errors during the limited time when the image is being transmitted, the image will not display. Best Buy has pulled the portable off their website."

"The Letter"
"I've pretty much come to the conclusion that nobody cares. But the worst of it came from my experience playing with one of those Best Buy portable HD radios. If you don't go searching for them, you will never find an HD radio in the store. These were hanging on a forlorn pegboard all the way in the back of the store, next to the cassette and CD portables, which, sadly, is appropriate company. There were no signs."

"Sangean Cancels Production Plans for DT600-HD"
"Sangean now says it’s not planning to introduce an HD Radio portable that was to have included analog AM in the U.S. this year. Responding to a question from Radio World, a Sangean spokesman said the company decided not to go ahead with production of the DT-600 HD; he could not say why. The spokesman also said Amazon is not accepting pre-orders for the unit, as we had reported. Sangean had not answered Radio World's query at the time that story was published. IBiquity had a prototype of the unit in its booth at CES and also at the spring NAB Show."

"Best Buy Takes Pre-Orders for ‘The Narrator’"
"Best Buy is taking pre-orders for a new HD Radio tabletop receiver, The Narrator, designed with the visually-impaired in mind. The Narrator was created with input from the International Association of Audio Information Services, the group that represents radio reading services."
"Hogan Keeps an Eye on Noise"
“Sun Sounds of Arizona is the school’s radio reading and information service; it airs on the 67 kHz subcarrier of KJZZ and on KBAQ HD3. The biggest challenge to radio reading services has been HD Radio, Hogan said. We made the decision to place our service on an HD channel, but there have been a lot of radio reading services eliminated as stations go HD and do multiple programming to utilize the full 200 kHz of spectrum.”